ELCO Lighting Announces the Appointment of KLI – Klopfenstein’s Lighting Inc. as their New Agent for the Hawaiian Islands

ELCO Lighting Announces the Appointment of KLI - Klopfenstein’s Lighting Inc. as their New Agent for the Hawaiian Islands


LOS ANGELES, CA – Elco Lighting is pleased to announce the factory has appointed Klopfenstein’s Lighting Incorporated as the new manufacturer agent in the Hawaiian Islands.  The new Elco Lighting agent is strategically located in downtown Honolulu at 1128 Nuuanu Ave. Suite # 101 Honolulu, HI 96817.

The Hawaiian team is headed up by Rick Fell who is the firms acting President and CEO.  Rick doesn’t stop there and actively supports the day to day agency operations with roles in the quotations and sales departments.

His Klopfenstein team consists of John Poole in outside sales, Daniel Weyant in outside sales support along with customer service accountabilities, Dolan Waikiki inside sales, Eric Haden also in the quotations, Jackie Oliphant and Patty Kleinschmidt both providing excellence in customer service.

“This agency is packed full of very good people with a rich history in the lighting industry, with many years of lighting experience and long standing customer relationships that should allow Elco Lighting inroads to start selling in the places where we haven’t been selling so far in the Hawaii Islands”, Says Brandon Cohen the factories Director of Operations.   The KLI folks started the agency in 1976 and have been a mainstay in lighting projects for the Hawaiian Islands ever since.

For more information about these products and applications please visit: www.elcolighting.com.







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