ROSELLE, IL- Electri-Flex Company, has once again teamed with community leaders to organize a 600-meal food drive to feed Chicago area families in need this Easter holiday. Electri-Flex Company, the Roselle Police Association Foundation, Precision Stamping Products, Inc., Fates, Bodily & Parker, and others, made sizeable donations which included 600 hams, cans of veggies and beans, boxes of mashed potatoes and mac & cheese, and aluminum roasting pans. In addition, SCARCE and the DuPage County Sheriff assisted with meal organization and distribution.
This meal donation marks the 3rd annual Easter event. The Kinander Family, owners of Electri-Flex, regularly partner with leaders in DuPage County to give back to the community through food donation events.
Electri-Flex Company, a leader in electrical conduit design and manufacture for over 65 years, produces Liquatite®, the most diverse line of liquidtight flexible electrical conduit in the industry. For more information on Electri-Flex Company visit: