Meghan Juday – Next Generation Leader of IDEAL INDUSTRIES

Meghan Juday - Next Generation Leader of IDEAL INDUSTRIES


Meghan Juday is the founder of Family Business Strategy Group, which created a process for helping families define their vision, values, and strategies to ensure continued stewardship of family enterprises. She is a former business analyst and project manager for CSC, and a next-generation leader of the IDEAL INDUSTRIES family, and currently is the IDEAL Family Council Chair.

We had an opportunity to sit with Meghan at this year’s IDEAL National Championship Competition and asked her what areas she would like to see advance in the electrical industry. She tells us about concerns over “there being a lack of individuals coming into the electrical trade and with the current average age of electricians within the industry being 55 ½, there is concern that given that average age is so high and the significant gap in age of those coming into the trade, we want to close that gap”. One of the ways Ideal Industries is trying to close that gap is through events such as IDEAL Nationals. With over 100,000 participants throughout the last 3 years, the goal is to try and create compelling reasons individuals would turn to the electrical trade as a career. She says “We are hoping to highlight that individuals can see the electrical trade as a viable career and that IDEAL also hopes to highlight it for both women and minorities as well”.

When asked what we can look forward to in 2019, Meghan explains that “This year the competition was run in Canada, who was actually competing at this event as well, and IDEAL is looking to run a bigger event in Canada as well as events in China, Mexico, Australia as well New Zealand next year. The goal being a first ever global championship event in 2019”. Meghan tells us that “IDEAL Industries hopes that the electrical community and the trades in general will look at what it is they are trying to accomplish. IDEAL wants to be looked at as a partners, not only to help more electricians come into the trades, but also that they spend a lot of time everyday trying to help  figure out ways to make peoples jobs easier, faster and safer and IDEAL wants to be the partner that goes to work with electricians every day, helping make their jobs more effective.”







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