SCRANTON, PA – Arlington President Tom Gretz announced that Richard Temblador
will be joining Arlington’s Executive Management Team, based in Scranton, PA.
His title will be Vice President of Product and Business Development. He can be
contacted at or 800.233.4717 extension 3063.
He will be accompanied by his lovely wife Diane and daughter Hilde.
Mr. Temblador has 30 plus years in the Electrical industry. He has a well-established
background in Sales and Marketing of electrical products, and is familiar with all Electrical
Distribution Channels. He also holds more than 50 United States Patents.
During his tenure in the electrical industry Temblador has participated in various
UL/CSA technical panels, NEMA technical committees, and is well-versed in the National
Electrical Code and Canadian Standards and Codes.
“Arlington Industries is committed to new product introductions, business growth and
innovation,” stated Tom Gretz, President. “Temblador will be joining our dedicated Scranton,
PA corporate team and will participate in all phases of product development, product growth,
advertising and business development.”