What Differentiates Specification Grade Luminaires?

Deco Lighting works to create quality, specifiable products. What differentiates specification grade luminaires from the hundreds of products in the market? The answer is simple: use high quality materials to give the luminaire the feeling of durability. Have the parts fit together like the body of an expensive sports car or the parts of a well tailored suit. Combine these qualities with well defined function and useful features, and the product will stand out when compared to the endless choices of lighting products flooding the North American market.

With its linear architectural lighting product families, Deco Lighting aims to deliver high quality lighting at a competitive price. Product families such as the Solo, Ohm, and Evian tube are designed to produce beautiful, diode free light with a high CRI and a scdm of 3 or less. Features such as sliding mounting points and virtually seamless joining into straight runs facilitate fuss free installation, reducing labor costs and improving the overall quality of a lighting installation. Watch for Deco Lighting’s new and innovative lighting products coming soon. Visit: www.getdeco.com.

What Differentiates Specification Grade Luminaires?

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