Ben Franklin Electric Club of Northern California Installs 82nd Slate of Officers

Ben Franklin Electric Club of Northern California Installs 82nd Slate of Officers
(pictured l-to-r) Jim McGeough, Eddie Munoz, Chris Cockroft, and Richard Shaules


The Ben Franklin Electric Club of Northern California installed their 2018 slate of officers for the 82nd consecutive year at the 80th Annual Christmas Luncheon on December 1, 2017.

Leading the Club for 2018 is Chris Cockroft as President, assisted by Eddie Munoz as Vice President, Jim McGeough as Treasurer, and Richard Shaules as Secretary.  Board members are Dave Jones, Jose Leon, Devina Firsching, and Keith Dricken.  Dave Shorter is Ex-Officio.  Jerry Brumfield, Bill Barbanica and Jim McGeough will co-chair the 47th Annual Golf Tournament on June 4.

For further information about the Ben Franklin Electric Club of Northern California, or if you are interested in joining, please contact Jim McGeough, BFEC Director of Communications and Protocol, by phone (510) 205-8449 or email  Or visit them on Facebook at

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